

应数学科学学院刘胜强教授邀请,加拿大罗瑞尔大学(Wilfrid Laurier University)陈玉明教授、加拿大新不伦瑞克大学(University of New Brunswick)王林教授将于2021526上午在腾讯会议线上分别做动力系统及其应用领域的两个学术报告,欢迎相关专业的老师和同学参加。



报告题目:Recent studies on reaction-diffusion population models

报告人:陈玉明教授(Wilfrid Laurier University)

报告时间:2021526日(周三)8: 30-9:30

报告形式:腾讯会议ID: 916 906 566 (A426室集中收听)

内容简介:In this talk, we present some of our recent studies on reaction-diffusion population models. First we consider the growth of a species in shifting habitats due to unbalanced resources. We find that the nonlinear propagation phenomena depend on the size of the shifting speed relative to the minimum traveling wave speeds of the limiting systems at both negative and positive infinities, which gives three scenarios. We consider the case where the upstream end has the flow-free condition, which means that the upstream end is linked to a lake. We firstly investigate the corresponding single species model. With a new approach, we establish the existence and uniqueness of positive steady states.

报告人简介:陈玉明,分别于1991年和1994年从北京大学获应用数学学士学位和硕士学位,并于2000年从加拿大约克大学获理学博士学位,20009月至20016月在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学做博士后。从20017月起,一直任教于加拿大罗瑞尔大学。现为该校数学系教授、博士生导师。主要研究兴趣为动力系统和泛函微分方程理论及其在生物数学和神经网络中的应用。已在包括SIAM JMathAnal, Transactions AMS, Nonlinearity, JDiffEqs, Physica D,MathBiosci, Neural Networks等国际著名刊物发表论文一百三十余篇,其成果被同行广泛引用,曾获安大略省科技与创新部早期研究者奖。主持了5项加拿大国家自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)科研基金项目。陈教授与中国学者有广泛交流与合作。


报告题目:The effects of delayed dispersal in ecological models

报告人:王林教授(University of New Brunswick)

报告时间:2021526(周三) 9: 30 -- 10:30

报告形式:腾讯会议ID: 916 906 566 (A426室集中收听)

内容简介:In this talk, I will present some recent work on studying the effects of delayed dispersal in predator-prey metapopulation models and competition models. I will show that either the dispersal delay is harmless in the sense that it does not affect the stability of the metacommunity, or the dispersal delay can induce stability switches with finite number of stability intervals. I will also show that in some cases, the delayed dispersal can induce multiple coexistence equilibria and the dispersal has significant impacts on determining the competition outcome and can induce multi-stability.

报告人简介:王林,2003年博士毕业于加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学,现任加拿大新布伦瑞克大学教授。主要从事应用数学研究,其研究涉及生物数学、生态学、神经网络、优化控制、流行病学、计量经济学等多个领域。主持10余项国家基金。已在SIAM Journal on Applied MathematicsJournal of Differential EquationsJournal of Mathematical BiologyBulletin of Mathematical BiologyJournal of Dynamics and Differential EquationsJournal of Theoretical BiologySIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications等学术期刊上发表论文90余篇。


